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Tag Archives: Diabetes

Diabetes: Lifestyle Tips

Diabetes: Lifestyle Tips

Scheduling yearly physicals, keeping vaccinations up to date, and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol are lifestyle tips for patients with diabetes. Dr. Lara Paraskos, Endocrinologist with Baptist Health South Florida, gives other recommendations to keep the disease under control. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************…

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Diabetes: Blood Tests

Diabetes: Blood Tests

A1C, fasting plasma glucose, and oral glucose tolerance test are tests to diagnose diabetes. Dr. Michelle Brewster, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, explains the difference between them and what are the normal results of each one. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************…

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Preventing Diabetes

Preventing Diabetes

Diet, exercise and weight loss are the three components that someone would target in order to prevent diabetes or prediabetes, says Amy Kimberlain, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida.
She affirms everybody should be alert about the portions, quantity …

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Diabetes: Race and Ethnicity

Diabetes: Race and Ethnicity

Do your race and ethnicity put you at risk for diabetes? Dr. Ketevan Vladi, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, talks about the statistics of diabetes in Asian, black, Hispanic and white people. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
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