Rosacea - Health Channel

Tag Archives: Rosacea

Skin Conditions: Rosacea

Skin Conditions: Rosacea

Paula Brezavseck, Physician Assistant with Miami Plastic Surgery, affirms rosacea is a very frustrating skin condition, because there is not a real cure for it.

She advises prevention and treating the symptoms when it flares up.

The most common symptoms …

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Causes of Rosacea

Causes of Rosacea

Natalie Suarez, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, explains rosacea is a very complex disorder, and its causes are unknown; but there are a lot of proposed theories about what could be causing it. One theory says it is a disorder …

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Diagnosing Rosacea

Diagnosing Rosacea

Natalie Suarez, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, explains the diagnose of rosacea is made clinically, with physical exams and history taking of the patient. But, a lot of the times, it can be confused with other skin conditions, like lupus …

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Treatment for Rosacea

Treatment for Rosacea

Natalie Suarez, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, says the most important thing regarding treatment is setting realistic expectations, because rosacea is not a curable condition. She points out sometimes it takes four to six weeks to start seeing an improvement …

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Skin Care Tips for Rosacea

Skin Care Tips for Rosacea

Cleansing face twice and moisturizing daily, protecting your skin from the sun, choosing rosacea friendly products, testing the products, and being gentle are tips to take care of rosacea. Natalie Suarez, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, says testing products is …

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