What is Actinic Keratoses?
Following the abuse a summer’s worth of sun can deliver to the skin, now is a good time to review the features of a common skin condition related to ultraviolet exposure, actinic keratosis (AK). This is particularly important since AKs …
How do I keep my skin from getting dry in the winter?
In the wintertime, a number of factors can cause skin to dry out, leading to uncomfortable scaling, cracking and itching. Lower outdoor humidity along with exposure to forced air heating, wood-burning stoves, space heaters and fireplaces can all cause skin …
What is fragile skin?
Fragile, or as many people refer to it, “thin” skin, can affect anyone at any age, but it is particularly common in older individuals. The reasons for this include genetics, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, and the …
Why should I quit smoking?
Recent statistics indicate that over 46 million Americans still smoke despite widespread knowledge that tobacco use is a leading cause of disease and premature death. However, of these, almost 70% would like to quit. Why don’t they? Because most smokers …
What are the risk factors for melanoma?
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, occurring in over 3.5 million people each year. Three of the most common types of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Of …
Is itching really a sign of healing?
Most people have heard the common expression that itching indicates that a cut or wound is healing. Is there any scientific basis to this belief or is this just an “old wives tale”?
Phases of wound healing. The body’s initial …