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Signs of Stroke

Signs of Stroke

There are some signs of stroke, such as numbness, weakness in the face, confusion, dizziness and trouble seeing or walking, explains Dr. Italo Linfante, Medical Director of Interventional Neuroradiology & Endovascular Neurosurgery with Baptist Health Neuroscience Center.

The brain controls …

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Types of Stroke

Types of Stroke

There are two different types of stroke: hemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke. Dr. Felipe de los Rios, Neurologist with Baptist Health Neuroscience Center, explains what is the difference between both of them. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
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Brain Damage & Stroke

Brain Damage & Stroke

There are several areas in the brain where a stroke can happen, describes Dr. Lucinda Adriana Arenas, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physician with Baptist Health South Florida with a digital imaging.
When a stroke happens in the frontal lobe, patients …

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Diagnosing a Stroke at Home

Diagnosing a Stroke at Home

Sometimes, the stroke starts gradually and that’s why Dr. Italo Linfante, Medical Director of Interventional Neuroradiology & Endovascular Neurosurgery with Baptist Health Neuroscience Center, recommends calling 911 to assist the patient quickly.

Once in the hospital, the doctor will decide …

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