The Benefits of Family Time | Building Bridges - Health Channel


The Benefits of Family Time | Building Bridges |

The Benefits of Family Time | Building Bridges, Health Channel

Family time is abundant in the era of shelter in place orders. Parents, kids, and even grandchildren are all under the same roof, which can lead to conflict in some households. There’s always the possibility that this togetherness could help deepen relationships.


The Benefits of Family Time | Building Bridges, Health Channel

It used to be a hard thing to plan but suddenly family time is abundant in the era of shelter and place orders parents kids and even grandchildren are all under the same roof round the clock this can get hectic and lead to conflict in some households but there’s always the possibility that this togetherness could help deepen relationships there’s things I would not trade for the world and when covet ends this time that we have together this amazing family time is going to be over we go back to our jobs and he’s going to have school and after school pick up and his friends so you know enjoy that time be calm be brave carry on eat meals together and maybe have the kids and other members of the family help with planning meals or other chores you can also play games read and exercise together to make the most of this unique opportunity for quality time you

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