The Best Sleeping Positions - Health Channel


The Best Sleeping Positions |

The Best Sleeping Positions, Health Channel

A neutral alignment and neutral position, having a pillow that sits at the natural curve of the neck, putting a pillow between the knees when sleeping on the back or side are some of the recommendations of Dr. Melissa Guanche, Physiatrist at Baptist Health Neuroscience Center in order to maintain a good posture while sleeping.

The specialist also says if someone tries Yoga, he has to know what exactly his condition is in order to avoid some postures and stretches that can aggravate the back pain. Pilates, however, is great for spine, she affirms and recommends listening to the body as the best key when practicing any kind of activity.


The Best Sleeping Positions, Health Channel

I want to talk just a couple seconds or a couple minutes for that matter on sleeping positions a lot of people say my back hurts when I get up what should we do do you suggest certain types of sleeping positions? When we’re sleeping to be a comfortable position for you want to try to keep your back in a neutral alignment a neutral position so if you enjoy sleeping on your back you can do that but things you want to be aware of are starting with the neck you want to have a pillow that sits at the natural curve of your neck moving on to your low back you can sleep on your back but to take some stress off of it try putting a pillow under your knees if you like sleeping on your side that’s okay also just try putting a pillow in between your knees a comfortable position for you that’s keeping in the spine and it’s as close to possible in its natural alignment some people enjoy sleeping on their bellies if you don’t have a painful spine condition that’s okay it’s not recommended What about yoga and Pilates you like that? I do and yoga and Pilates they’re very different yoga and Pilates for a healthy individual without a painful back condition can be a great full-body exercise however yoga for instance can have some aggressive stretches and aggressive positions positions that definitely somebody with a back condition should be avoiding so it’s of utmost importance that somebody know which postures and stretches they should be avoiding because they don’t want to aggravate their condition in terms of Pilates I am a big fan of Pilates I think Pilates for the most part keeps the spine in a neutral position and Pilates is a great exercise program to evolve into once you are feeling better and recovering from a painful back condition. But listen to your body that’s so important absolutely listening to your body is key whether it’s during yoga Pilates running any kind of activity you like if you’re in pain you need to stop that’s your body’s way of telling you this is not right there’s something wrong and just listen to your body with anything that you do.

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