The Effects of Gestational Diabetes on the Baby - Health Channel


The Effects of Gestational Diabetes on the Baby |

The Effects of Gestational Diabetes on the Baby, Health Channel

Being a very large baby, being born early, having low blood sugar and developing diabetes later in the life are some consequences of gestational diabetes on babies.

Dr. Ellen Schwartzbard, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains there’s a routine test that is recommended for everyone between 24 and 28 weeks, but if a pregnant woman has some risk factors (diabetes, family history or overweight) she can be tested earlier.


The Effects of Gestational Diabetes on the Baby, Health Channel

So let’s get to the next part of this is how it affects the baby the baby can be very large which I would think would then be an issue which can make delivery more difficult being born early which can cause breathing and other problems having low blood sugar and developing type 2 diabetes later in life I don’t think people would would would get that because there are things that happen at birth but before birth that affect you later on in life I would imagine that a lot of people wouldn’t think about that right off the bat. Absolutely that’s why one of the reasons this is so important gestational diabetes impacts the health of the mom it impacts the health of the baby so it’s issues during the pregnancy during the labor and delivery and you’re impacting that baby’s health later on in life increasing their personal risk for diabetes and the risk of actually being an overweight person later in life. How then are women tested for gestational diabetes how do you start so there’s a routine test that is recommended for everyone so we are speaking about these risk factors that do put pregnant women at higher risk but we screen all pregnant women so between 24 and 28 weeks it’s a routine test where women drink a glucose load we give them a very sweet drink increased glucose carbohydrates 50 grams as a matter of fact and then they get their blood drawn one hour later and it’s not that Pleasant but people tolerate it they do great and we draw that blood one hour later and we are able to screen all pregnant women. And at what point in the pregnancy should a woman be tested? Between 24 and 28 weeks is standard if you do have somebody who’s very high-risk and you might even be suspicious that they may even have type 2 diabetes so a lot of pregnant women when they’re coming to you in that first appointment this is really the first time they’re seeing a doctor so they may actually have diabetes and not even know it so we do sometimes on occasion do diabetes screen much earlier because you may be missing somebody who could be diabetic so those risk factors come into play somebody who’s very overweight a strong family history and then you may consider doing this diabetes test earlier on.

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