Thyroid Disorders & Pregnancy - Health Channel


Thyroid Disorders & Pregnancy |

Thyroid Disorders & Pregnancy, Health Channel

Stressors activate autoimmune diseases and, sometimes, stress pregnancy may cause autoimmune things to come out. Dr. Lara Paraskos, Endocrinologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains how pregnancy can contribute to develop the condition.


Thyroid Disorders & Pregnancy, Health Channel

What about after pregnancy is a lot of diamonds developed thyroid problems after pregnancy what’s the correlation it’s a great question I don’t think we really know the answer as to why they’re more prevalent after pregnancy I think part of it is that women are going to the doctor more after pregnancy during pregnancy and after pregnancies where you know most healthy healthy women aren’t really going to the doctor every year but when you’re pregnant you’re going every every month every week to the doctor and then after when you have a lot of follow-ups so you generally tend to have a lot of symptoms and you’re you’re seeking help more than you would otherwise and so I think possibly that’s one of the reasons why we’re diagnosing it more but there is also something having to do with the stress of pregnancy and sometimes stressors do activate autoimmune diseases and so sometimes just that stress of pregnancy it may may cause these underlying autoimmune things to come out and become more active so in in general though the stress trigger a thyroid issue you know it’s a that’s another really great question you’re asking really great questions and I think a lot of these questions we don’t we don’t have a good answers to you know in terms of I get asked this question a lot by patients so why do I have is what may come out and the bottom line is we don’t really know we don’t really know what it is but I do see it’s funny because I do see a lot of times somebody that has a big stress whether in it whether it’s a big illness a pregnancy that kind of stresses the body stresses the immune system and then you see these underlying autoimmune things come out and become more active so it’s possible but you know we don’t have anything definitive that that kind of linked stress to the thyroid but I definitely think it’s a possibility you.

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