Understanding Different Types of Birth Control: IUD, Injection, Patch & More - Health Channel


Understanding Different Types of Birth Control: IUD, Injection, Patch & More |

Understanding Different Types of Birth Control: IUD, Injection, Patch & More, Health Channel

Understanding Different Types of Birth Control

1.- What is an IUD and how long can it stay in the body? 

An IUD is an implant that goes into the uterine cavity and can stay there for a prolonged period of time, ranging from three to ten years.

2.- How often is the contraceptive injection given and by whom? 

The contraceptive injection is given by a healthcare provider once every three months.

3.- How does the patch work and where can it be placed on the body? 

The patch is absorbed by the skin and delivered directly to the bloodstream. It is placed on the skin once a week, three weeks on and one week off. It can be placed on certain parts of the body such as the buttocks, lower abdomen, and back of the arms.

4.- How does the vaginal ring work and can it be removed during sex? 

The vaginal ring works similarly to the patch in that it is used for three weeks and then removed for one week. It can be worn during sex or removed for up to three hours. While it may be felt in the body, it should not cause discomfort.

5.- How can a patient know if their IUD is properly placed or being expelled from the body? 

If a patient is experiencing daily cramping with an IUD, it may be a warning sign that it is improperly placed or being expelled from the body, and they should consult with their healthcare provider.

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