Understanding Stroke Rehabilitation: Importance and Process - Health Channel


Understanding Stroke Rehabilitation: Importance and Process |

Understanding Stroke Rehabilitation: Importance and Process, Health Channel

Understanding Stroke Rehabilitation: Importance and Process

After experiencing a stroke, it’s crucial to receive rehabilitation as soon as possible. But when does this process start? Typically, after a stroke patient has been medically stabilized, rehabilitation services are consulted to evaluate the patient’s deficits and determine their level of function. This usually happens between the first 24 to 48 hours of hospitalization.

Gabriela M. Ortega, Supervisor for Acute Rehabilitation at West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains that the rehabilitation process is a team approach that involves evaluating the patient’s deficits, coming up with goals, and developing a plan to achieve them. The process involves several team members, including nursing staff, nutritionists, and various therapy disciplines.

Physical therapy mainly focuses on a patient’s mobility. Gabriela notes that patients who experience deficits in movement are often unable to perform everyday activities such as getting up from bed, getting up from a chair, or walking. Therefore, physical therapy helps the patient regain their mobility, making sure to paint a picture of what will happen once they go home. The team evaluates if they’ll need to train a family member to help the patient with their daily activities, such as navigating stairs or curves.

The length of rehabilitation varies depending on the severity of the patient’s deficits. Some patients have minor deficits and can receive outpatient or home health therapy. On the other hand, patients who have multiple deficits and still have difficulty with mobility might go to an inpatient rehab facility or a skilled nursing facility.

During rehabilitation, patients may utilize various technological advancements such as robotic therapy. Robotic therapy is set up like a video game, with a screen that displays different images and tasks the patient to control a moving dot to get to certain targets. The patient is strapped onto the machine, allowing them to move their arms with the robot’s help.

In conclusion, stroke rehabilitation is a team approach that involves evaluating a patient’s deficits, developing goals, and determining what kind of help is required. It’s essential to start rehabilitation as soon as possible after a stroke to ensure the best possible outcome.

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