Understanding the Difference Between Tumors and Cancer - Health Channel


Understanding the Difference Between Tumors and Cancer |

Understanding the Difference Between Tumors and Cancer, Health Channel

Understanding the Difference Between Tumors and Cancer

Dr. Omar Llaguna, Oncologic Surgeon with Miami Cancer Institute, explains that tumors and cancer are different. A tumor can be benign or malignant. Cancer means it can invade and go to sites away from where it began.

Dr. Llaguna gives an example of a Lipoma.  A lipoma is a benign fatty tumor that’s usually under the skin. He gives his experience where people want them to remove it for cosmetic reasons. Although once you remove it, you’re done, it shouldn’t come back, meaning there will be no further spreading. Other tumors are similar such as liposarcoma. It is also an abnormal fatty-like tumor, but these cells can invade structures. You can remove it, but it has a high chance of returning, or it could spread through the bloodstream and go to the lungs. So, tumors are just abnormal growth of cells, but cancer means that it can invade and go to sites away from where it began.

To watch Dr. Omar Llaguna, explain the difference between benign and malignant tumors, visit; https://youtu.be/ChMAckdYkEc

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