Head And Neck Cancer Prevention
One of the main things in order to prevent head and neck cancer is lifestyle modifications says Doctor Geoffrey Young, Chief of Head & Neck Surgery at Miami Cancer Institute. He affirms that a lot of those tumors are resultant from chronic alcohol use or even chronic tobacco use. Moderating consumption of alcohol and quitting smoking these are the best preventive medicines against this type of cancer.
They show a graphic with recommendations to reduce the cancer risk, while Dr. Young indicates the most common cancers on the head and neck are related to HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), the virus that has increased its incidence in the last 20 years.
Vaccination is the best way to prevent HPV. “We do have good evidence to suggest that a vaccine will help future cancers and recommended children between the ages 11 and 12 get vaccinated. The vaccines are available for anyone between 9 to 26," he says.