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Fertility Test

Fertility Specialist Enrique Soto says that 3% of women and men can have fertility problems, because it is a combined thing. In order to help the couple to conceive, specialists do basic tests. “For men, a sperm test is conducted to know how many sperms there are, how well they move and the shape. The normal is over 15 million per millimeter but only one make's it. For women the basic tests are an X ray to see if the fallopian tubes are open and working well, see if the uterus is normal and hormonal testing, which is the most important one," he says. The specialist explains that there is a particular hormone, called anti-mullerian hormone, which gives an idea of how many eggs a woman has. “Every month, in order to release one egg, many are used. After the age of 35, this number goes down very fast. After the age of 40 this number goes much faster. When the woman is in her early 40s, 43-44, there are only very few eggs left. That's why It's so important to know the egg count."

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