Absorbable Thread Suture Techniques - Health Channel


Absorbable Thread Suture Techniques |

Absorbable Thread Suture Techniques, Health Channel

Dr. Annie Gonzalez, Dermatologist with Sunset Dermatology, explains absorbable threads are made of a suture material that they use for other types of surgery, even cardiovascular surgery. “These fine threads are injected under the skin and they’re used to lift the specific areas depending on where we injected.”

She highlights it is very good for sagging skin that does need a very subtle lift to look very natural.


Absorbable Thread Suture Techniques, Health Channel

It’s an idea of how this all works people who’ve never heard of it before and and what the the advances have been. > Right. So, this is a great cosmetic procedure that has taken their cosmetic work by storm because now we have the absorbent dis absorbable threads that are basically made of putting the auxin own which is a suture material that we use for other types of surgery even cardiovascular surgery. So now these fine threads are injected under the skin and they’re used to lift, the specific areas depending on where we injected so it’s very good for sagging skin that does need a very subtle lift. So it looks very natural not necessarily giving you volume, so I find it to be great asset for patients that don’t want more volume, they already feel like they have enough volume on their faces, so you just want a subtle lift to rejuvenate the face so it’s it’s a great option I also find it to be ideal to combine it with other modalities such as fillers to. Some patients do need a little bit of volume too but we end up using a lot less filler if we do lift a little bit and then do we just have to just finish up the details with a little bit of filler here and there in the strategic places. > is the same material as absorbable stitches, where they get absorbed into the body. > Correct. That is exactly correct. So they usually… the material stays in the body is biodegradable completely, it stays in the body for three to four months but then that collagen that gets formed right around the suture material is what gives you that the that lifting effect that would persist for up to 12 months.

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