Age & Gluteal Augmentation - Health Channel


Age & Gluteal Augmentation |

Age & Gluteal Augmentation, Health Channel

Dr. Max Polo, Plastic Surgeon at Baptist Health South Florida, explains gluteal augmentation or Brazilian Butt Lift is a body contouring procedure to improve the curves of the trunk, the waistline, the buttocks and the thighs, from a posterior view and also from a profile view.

“We have to obtain the fat to graft from someplace, like the outer thighs or what people call saddlebag area. If those areas have too much convexity and excess fat, we want to improve the shape of those areas with liposuction and then we’re gonna take that fat and try to enhance the shape of the buttocks,” he says and explains they are performing this procedure on patients from their 20s to patients in their 70s.

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