Anatomy of the Spine - Health Channel


Anatomy of the Spine |

Anatomy of the Spine, Health Channel

The spine is divided into three parts: the cervical, the top section, thoracic section, the thorax or chest, and the lumbar spine or lower back.
Dr. Georgiy Brusovanik, Spine Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains the anatomy of the spine.
With a digital imaging the specialist describes the nomenclature of the spine.


Anatomy of the Spine, Health Channel

Dr. you know for those of you and you out there are unfamiliar with the sections of your spine it could be broken down and I remember you kind of taught me this the other day when you were here into three sections it’s the cervical thoracic and lumbar correct you go – can you walk us through us and tell us you know what each part does oh yeah absolutely real easy to remember so cervical is the top section that’s essentially the neck so it’s almost synonymous the thoracic section is the thorax or the chest and look even though that’s the big part of the spine and there’s a lot of patients who have pain around that area that’s usually not where the source of that pain is usually and then the L the lumbar spine that’s the lower back so easy to remember L lower back the lumbar spine exactly and what at the for the example we’ve seen those C 1 C 2 C 7 s why are they just that letter and number what do they stand for also the latter is the first letter of cervicals of C okay right L lumbar and then the numbers are just popped down so c1 is right under the skull and then there’s seven vertebrae in the neck 12 in the mid-back and usually usually but not always there are five vertebrae in the lower back and that’s how when you go to the doctor and you see if someone like you for example you’ll say oh it’s your c1 c3 l1 because your print pointing exactly where that pain is you’ve got it now when the doctor talks about a disc he’ll describe he or she will describe the disc in terms of the bone above and the bone below so for example the last discs in your spine is l5 s1 disk okay second to last l4 l5 disc so the nomenclature is is just that so it’s important to really look at the picture besides just looking at the name and number you.

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