Ask Hanna

Ask Hanna answers

Understanding Changes in a Woman's Body During Menopause

Understanding Changes in a Woman’s Body During Menopause

As women age, their bodies go through a series of changes that can feel uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and even strange. These changes can be attributed to menopause, a natural biological process that marks the end of menstruation. But what exactly happens during menopause? According to Dr. Robert Feldman, Chief & Medical Director of Obstetrics & Gynecology,…...
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Link Between Thyroid Hormones and Female Fertility

Link Between Thyroid Hormones and Female Fertility

Thyroid problems are a prevalent issue among women, with three times the incidence of thyroid disease, as well as three times the likelihood of having a thyroid nodule and thyroid cancer compared to men.  Despite extensive research, the reason for this disparity is still unknown. However, it is critical to understand how thyroid issues can…...
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Understanding PCOS and Hypothalamic Dysfunction

Understanding PCOS and Hypothalamic Dysfunction

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. It is a complex condition that can manifest in different ways, but one of its hallmarks is insulin resistance. Contrary to what its name suggests, PCOS is not just a problem with the ovaries but a metabolic disorder that affects the…...
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The Hunger-Fullness Scale

The Importance of the Hunger-Fullness Scale for Healthy Eating

Eating slowly and mindfully is a key to healthy eating habits, according to nutrition experts. It takes roughly 20 minutes for the message that you are full to reach your brain from your stomach, so eating too quickly can lead to overeating and discomfort. To prevent this, one simple tip is to actually chew your…...
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Understanding the Differences in Hair Loss Between Men and Women

Understanding the Differences in Hair Loss Between Men and Women

Hair loss is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, but it can present differently in men and women. In a recent interview, a doctor shed light on the differences between hair loss in men and women and the possible reasons behind them. In men, hair loss typically begins with the frontotemporal area,…...
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Crushing Cancer

Crushing Cancer

Dr. Kerry Forrestal, Attending Physician at Emergency Service Associates, uncovers the journey that patients undergo when diagnosed with cancer in his book, Crushing Cancer: A Patient's Complete Guide to Managing a Cancer Diagnosis. Answers to YOUR Questions [vc_separator color="custom" border_width="2"…...
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Maximizing Nutrition with Smoothies During Cancer Treatment

Maximizing Nutrition with Smoothies During Cancer Treatment

Carla Araya, Registered Dietitian with Miami Cancer Institute, says if you are going through cancer treatment and you are not eating much, and you want to boost up calories, you will want to do more proteins, and more fruits in the smoothies because the idea is to maximize nutrition. Smoothies are suitable for people undergoing…...
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The Critical Role of Attitude in Fighting Cancer

The Critical Role of Attitude in Fighting Cancer

A patient’s attitude is critical in any illness diagnosis, says Dr. Omar Llaguna, Oncologic Surgeon with Miami Cancer Institute. He explains that doctors are part of the journey to impart knowledge about the disease. They provide reasonable and realistic understanding of what the challenge ahead is, he compares a cancer journey to training for an…...
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