What Are The Most Common Symptoms of Diabetes
With a graphic, Amy Kimberlain, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, describes the most common symptoms of diabetes which are: frequent urination, feeling tired or lethargic, thirsty, hunger, weakness, weight loss, blurred vision, nausea and slow healing of cuts. However, she affirms patients with prediabetes have no symptoms. She advises paying attention to people's…...
Read MoreDiabetes: Lifestyle Tips
Scheduling yearly physicals, keeping vaccinations up to date, and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol are lifestyle tips for patients with diabetes. Dr. Lara Paraskos, Endocrinologist with Baptist Health South Florida, gives other recommendations to keep the disease under control. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel: . . Follow us on social media: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM:…...
Read MoreDiabetes Treatment by Type
Angie Placeres, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, explains the doctor will send patient home with oral medication if it is type 2 diabetes, and will recommend insulin if it is type 1 diabetes. She points out they also tell them they have to check on sugar, and also they will send them to…...
Read MoreDiabetes: Blood Tests
A1C, fasting plasma glucose, and oral glucose tolerance test are tests to diagnose diabetes. Dr. Michelle Brewster, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, explains the difference between them and what are the normal results of each one. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel: . . Follow us on social media: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM:…...
Read MorePreventing Diabetes
Diet, exercise and weight loss are the three components that someone would target in order to prevent diabetes or prediabetes, says Amy Kimberlain, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida. She affirms everybody should be alert about the portions, quantity and quality of the food combined. The specialist explains the Diabetes Prevention Program Study Results…...
Read MoreWhat Is The First Symptom of Diabetes
Fatigue is the first symptom of diabetes, affirms Lois Exelbert, Nurse Diabetes Educator and Patient Care Manager with Baptist Hospital, because the body is not getting energy from food. When the body has to excrete the extra sugar, frequent urination becomes the second symptom. Thirst and hunger are the other most common symptoms of diabetes,…...
Read MoreHow To Detect Early Symptoms of Diabetes
Unquenchable thirst, frequent urination, weight loss without trying, weakness and fatigue, tingling or numbness in hands, legs of feet and cut and bruises that take a long time to heal are the most common symptoms of both diabetes, says Dr. Pascual De Santis, Endocrinologist with Baptist Health South Florida. Cathy Clark-Reyes, Registered Dietitian with Baptist…...
Read MoreHarmful Effects of Diabetes
Diabetes can cause damage to the eyes, heart, blood vessels, nervous system, teeth, gums, feet, skin, and kidneys. Dr. Jorge Busse, Nephrologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says diabetes affects four tissues that do not need insulin to get sugar inside the cells. "Insulin facilitates the intake of the fuel into the cells and there…...
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