Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel
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Ask Hanna answers

The Value of Living Donor Organ Transplant

The Value of Living Donor Organ Transplant

There are far more people who need organ transplants than organs available. But living donors can donate many different organs or parts of organs to help alleviate the shortage. Recent studies show there may be a psychological benefit to being a living donor...
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COVID Vaccines for People with Multiple Sclerosis

COVID Vaccines for People with Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple research studies show that COVID vaccines are safe and effective for people with neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS). There are very few side effects and doctors say those patients would certainly benefit from getting vaccinated against COVID...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Even Moderate Drinking Can Shrink Your Brain

A new study shows even one drink per day can cause your brain to shrink. But stopping drinking can help the brain regenerate. This is an especially important message for older individuals whose brains are already shrinking due to normal aging...
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How Artificial Intelligence Helps Prevent Colon Cancer

How Artificial Intelligence Helps Prevent Colon Cancer

Researchers are using Artificial Intelligence as a “second set of eyes” when performing colonoscopy procedures to help doctors possibly find more polyps and prevent the incidence of colon cancer. Doctors believe this kind of technology could help doctors in parts of the country with limited medical resources provide care on a similar level to those…...
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How the Pandemic Affected Autism Diagnosis & Treatment

How the Pandemic Affected Autism Diagnosis & Treatment

Researchers say early intervention can make a big difference in treating Autism Spectrum Disorder successfully, but recent studies show school closures and lockdown have delayed diagnosis and treatment for many children...
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Revolutionizing Stroke Treatment

Revolutionizing Stroke Treatment

When a large clot is blocking blood flow in a major artery during a stroke there is the likelihood of extensive brain damage.  But if the stroke patient can get to a medical facility within 24 hours, doctors can use a minimally invasive procedure to remove that clot and restore the blood flow, limiting the…...
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Warning Signs for Eating Disorders in Kids Living Minute

Warning Signs for Eating Disorders in Kids

Eating disorders among teen girls skyrocketed during the pandemic. Experts identify warning signs that a teen or young child is having a problem...
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Catching Lung Cancer Early

Catching Lung Cancer Early

Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer of both men and women. Because of the hidden nature of the condition, many patients catch lung cancer when it is too advanced to be treated. But new screening guidelines for former and current smokers over 50 are helping to catch this disease early enough for treatment...
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