Approaching liposuction - Health Channel


Approaching liposuction |

Approaching liposuction, Health Channel

Liposuction is the most popular plastic surgery, according to Dr. Jaime Flores, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgeon, who also adds that it has been the main cosmetic surgery for decades.

Breast surgery (breast augmentation, lift or reduction) is the second most popular cosmetic surgery and abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, the third.

The cosmetic & reconstructive surgeon mentions liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. “Liposuction is not all about losing weight even though the patient can lose weight, because the doctor removes the fat. It’s a body contouring procedure, and the patient loses a little bit of girth and circumference. In consequence, the patient goes down a few sizes,” he says.

Body contouring is smoothing out the rows around the bra line taking out that unwanted fat that hangs out over the pant line. “Some of the women don’t like the fat inside the inner thighs. So it is removing just the right amount to give them what they want without causing harm,” the Doctor says.


Approaching liposuction, Health Channel

What today are the most popular voluntary plastic surgery procedures thanks for having me the most popular plastic surgery continues to be liposuction pretty much has been the main surgery for cosmetics for decades whether it’s in the chin the back the rolls that you don’t like it’s been the most popular second – that would probably be any type of breast surgery breast augmentation lift reductions and then followed by probably an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck that’s what they call so people are still getting tummy tucks in liposuction it’s important to note is not about weight loss correct correct level suction is not at all about losing weight even though theoretically you’ll lose some weight with Rassi we’re moving the fact that gives you some weight to yourself it’s a body contouring procedure it’s removing that fat that’s unwanted it’s removing the fat to give you a little better contour to your shape and theoretically you know you lose a little bit of girth and circumference so you’ll come down a few sizes in your garments but it’s definitely not a weight loss procedure and body contouring is kind of the the buzzword here for a variety of procedures we’ll talk about a little bit later but it’s small improvements that a lot of people are looking for right not major ones there are some there major improvements but sometimes it’s just kind of fine-tuning the edges correct what we look for when we do body contouring is smoothing out the rows around the bra line taking out that unwanted fat that hangs out over the panty line some of the women don’t like the fat inside the inner thighs so it’s removing just the right amount to give them what they want without causing harm

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