Arthritis: Improving with Exercise - Health Channel


Arthritis: Improving with Exercise |

Arthritis: Improving with Exercise, Health Channel

Exercise can help deal with arthritis. “People with arthritis or medical conditions try to be more sedentary, because they are thinking about their pain. But it has to be the opposite, we want to lubricate those joints,” says Dr. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist at Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute.

Brian Betancourt, Exercise Physiologist at Baptist Health South Florida, explains it is important to consult with your doctor, because you want to have an understanding of any conditions you have.


Arthritis: Improving with Exercise, Health Channel

What about people who have arthritis, they’re in paying. exercise can actually help deal with it? absolutely. people with arthritis or medical conditions try to not be more sedentary. they are thinking about their pain. we want to lubricate those joints so they are walking, there is more life sent to the organs and joints,” them to do their exercises that are. it is always important to consult with your doctor or an expert. that is correct. it’s important because of mistakes we can make and exacerbate a situation. you want them to have an understanding of accounting conditions there are. there are so many for stories of people who decided to start training. there are some professionals who don’t take any medical history. they don’t know if there is an orthopedic concern or lower back issue, and it is something that exacerbates the issue. or they don’t know about a metabolic condition like high blood pressure. it is always better to be safe than sorry. also there are conditions. we will say there is sudden cardiac death. kids start playing sports and they don’t know if they have enlarged ventricles. it’s important to consult with the health physician prior, ask them to make sure they are able to do exercise.

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