Before and After: Beard Transplant - Health Channel


Before and After: Beard Transplant |

Before and After: Beard Transplant, Health Channel

Dr. Jeffrey Epstein, Facial Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, shows the results on a young patient that just wanted a fuller beard. They took out around 1400 hairs and put them into the beard region.

He also explains there is a procedure for women that over plucked their eyebrows. He shows an example of a patient after being transplanted 350 hairs in each eyebrow.


Before and After: Beard Transplant, Health Channel

We have some looks we’re gonna show it to you right now some graphics of beard transplants so let’s take a look at this and I’m not sure if these are the ones that you did doctor but what you did is one of my patients this is a gentleman you know young gentleman you know that just wanted a full of beard and we were able to do that with and he shaves his head so we were able to take the grafts from the back without making any incision and this was an example of placing around 1,400 grafts or hares into the beard region to give him a fuller look it looks really nice and I think we have one more of another gentleman that you did for a beard yeah oh so he kind of wanted to fill in that patch huh and just and just get a little better consistency up along the cheek beards and that’s exactly what we did here is also similar number of grafts around 14-hundred this was done all in one day and looks he’s able to shave the hairs are you know look just like beard hairs I’m marveled at how just natural it looks I mean it just looks like nothing was done just like you said sure it’s fantastic yep you wouldn’t know that this guy had a transplant and that’s why many people don’t realize it because I’ve seen some and are not very correct those are the ones that we notice and but it can be done so it looks natural all right we have some before and afters of some eyebrows let’s take a look at that real quick and show our viewers so this would be obviously the before mhm it’s woman over plucked her eyebrows and you can see her after with a procedure around 350 grafts per side you can see over all made to look it’s not perfect but it looks significantly better oh my god so that’s a one procedure and then we have another exam one more I think we have one more let’s take that one if we can of eyebrows and we’re gonna Shazam it now there we go this is a before and also another woman and then after we did around for almost almost four hundred grafts per side we really filled her and you can see the nice look we were able to fill in for her you

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