Bone Diseases: Osteoporosis - Health Channel


Bone Diseases: Osteoporosis |

Osteoporosis affects the architecture of the bone. The name means porous bone, explains Dr. Luis Rodriguez, Primary Care Sports Medicine Physician with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute.
The specialist also says osteoporosis affects the architecture within someone’s bone and makes it weaker.
The bone will start losing bone mass as people age. If that gets to a certain point, it decreases and it increases the risk of fracture, he affirms.


So let’s start defining it osteoporosis means porous bone and we have a 3d image I believe of a femur that correct doctor yes let’s show that to our viewers tell us what’s going on here and tell us what osteoporosis is so walk on over to our 3d image and obviously a very serious situation in this in this picture yes so also processes a disease that affects the architecture of your bone so you know as Olga was saying that the the name itself means porous bone we have two types of bone on the on the edges of the bone if you may the cortical bone which is stronger more dense and then on the inside you have your cancellous area or your trabecular bone which is has a bit of a different structure so the disease affects the architecture within your bone and it and it makes it weaker so over time that process in which our bones are constantly regenerating and degenerating themselves goes out of balance and then the bone will start losing bone mass as we age and then if that gets too far if that gets to a certain point and it increases the risk of us having a fracture with minimal trauma or even even with no trauma at all you

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