Complications after Back Surgery - Health Channel


Complications after Back Surgery |

Complications after Back Surgery, Health Channel

In case of infection after surgery, it has to be addressed as early as possible . Dr. Georgiy Brusovanik, Spine Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains if the patient continues to drain, he doesn’t put on antibiotics. It’s necessary to take him back to surgery.


Complications after Back Surgery, Health Channel

Dr. cusamano sometimes you see patients who may have had surgery maybe elsewhere and they’re coming to you to get something fixed so how often do you see this where a patient needs something redone let’s say about half of what I do half of what I do I revisions so these are patients who have already had an operation and for one of multiple reasons are still suffering and infections is this also one of the things that you have to correct after surgery as well infections less so so I’ve been lucky I’ve been in practice now for this is my eighth year and I’ve had no infections I do a bunch of things a little different and there’s some great research to back up these innovative techniques that minimize the risk of infection but even though I’ve been lucky I talk to every single patient about getting an infection right and I tell them that if you get an infection your chances are 100% you know and then it doesn’t matter that it’s a very unlikely possibility in surgery if an infection happens it has to be addressed early as soon as you crossed a two three-week line and the patient’s wound continues to drain according to textbook you know you don’t wait you don’t put the patient on antibiotics you take him back to surgery you open the wound you wash it real well so it’s back to a surgery oh absolutely you make sure to rinse the incision get all the infection out and when you close a real nice and neat and tight and when you watch it like a hawk while you’re giving patients an antibiotic and especially an antibiotic targeted for their individual infection you

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