Coping with Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Dr. Adrian Christian | Health Channel - Health Channel


Coping with Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Dr. Adrian Christian | Health Channel |

Coping with Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Dr. Adrian Christian | Health Channel, Health Channel

Coping with Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Dr. Adrian Christian | Health ChannelFor many women getting diagnosed with breast cancer is very difficult, both physically and emotionally. Mastectomy procedures can be heartbreaking as well as extremely physically taxing. In an interview with the Health Channel, Adrian Christian, Physiatrist at Miami Cancer Institute, explains what kind of support someone might need during this devastating diagnosis, treatment, and even survivorship. 

Dr. Christian says that the first thing his team does is make sure the patient has the highest level of expertise at their disposal to help them with whatever issues that come up. This includes psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists, if necessary. 

Access to many different professionals can better help the patient and their family with concerns of all kinds. Dr. Christian says that it is of utmost importance that issues be addressed with a holistic and non-judgemental approach in order to hopefully lessen the burden upon the patient during that difficult time. 

To watch the full segment of Dr. Adrian Christian talking about how he helps women cope with receiving a breast cancer diagnosis, click here: 

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