De-Stressing Kids | Building Bridges - Health Channel


De-Stressing Kids | Building Bridges |

De-Stressing Kids | Building Bridges, Health Channel

All parents want what’s best for their children. But with so much uncertainty and stress in the world today it can take a real effort to keep from transferring that stress to the kids. Experts advise being honest but also being calm.


De-Stressing Kids | Building Bridges, Health Channel

All parents want what’s best for their children but with so much uncertainty and stress in the world today can take a real effort to keep from transferring that stress to the kids experts advise being honest but also being calm i think it’s more important that when we face our children you take a deep breath and not communicate the stress you’re seeing around the things outside this house and and it’s way more important that you have the time to take a deep breath before you resume communication we absolutely want to teach resilience we want our kids even for ourselves to be able to keep things in proportion as they come at us right if we’re using language I can’t believe it’s the worst thing ever right for every little thing that happens it’s just gonna keep keep hitting us let your children know you’ll be there for them and that you will all get through these crises together.

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