Mental Health

Find resources to raise awareness of the mental health challenges, support groups, and a wide variety of information to help you or a loved one facing a mental health crisis.

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Mental Health video playlist

Our experts in Mental Health

Dr. Paula Levine

Psychologist and Founding Director of the Miami Counseling Resource Center

Alexander Hughes

Occupational Therapist with Riviera Health Resort

Vilma Dailey

Psychotherapist with Care & Counseling at Baptist Health South Florida

Shana Friedman

Bullying can trigger serious problems as depression and potential suicide. Shana Friedman, Psychotherapist at Baptist Health South Florida, says children don’t show depression the same way as adults do, but that is not true. Children with depression might show anxiety and irritability that can be confused with the typical feelings of teenage adjustment. Psychotherapist Aimee […]

Our latest Townhalls about Mental Health