Dr. Antonello Bonci Videos & Articles - Health Channel

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Dr. Antonello Bonci

President & Chief Scientific Officer of GIA Miami

Dr. Antonello Bonci is the President and Founder of GIA Miami and a Co-Founder and Scientific Director of Brain & Care. Before moving to GIA Miami, he served for nearly a decade at the National Institute of Health (NIH) as Scientific Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the NIH. Dr. Bonci is known worldwide for his pioneering studies on the long-term effects of stress and drug exposure on the brain. Bonci’s laboratory was the first to demonstrate that drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, modify the strength of the connections between neurons and produce brain plasticity. This study, published in Nature, cast a new light on the phenomenon of drug addiction, as a process where maladaptive learning plays a central role. 


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