Expectations of Labor - Health Channel


Expectations of Labor |

Expectations of Labor, Health Channel

Dr. Joanna Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Baptist Health South Florida, says a labor process will depend on ultrasound findings and how the babies are positioned together. “Twins, if the first baby is head down and the second baby isn’t too much bigger than the first baby, then it’s safe to actually have a vaginal delivery. If mom doesn’t want to do that, it’s her choice as well to have a C-section,” she explains.

She also says if the first baby is foot down, that is a definite C-section and with higher order multiples, like triplets and above, most doctors would be most comfortable performing a C-section.


Expectations of Labor, Health Channel

Let’s talk about what to expect when you’re in labor all right we mentioned it just a little bit we started this show whether you push or the c-section so how do you prepare a mom to say okay this is this is what you’re gonna be looking at, Joana? >Sure well that all depends on ultrasound findings and how are the babies positioned together so twins if the first baby is head down and the second baby isn’t too much bigger than the first baby then it’s safe to actually have a vaginal delivery it’s also you know if mom doesn’t want to do that it’s her choice as well to have a c-section but and that’s always a point of discussion but if the first baby is foot down and definitely no that’s a definite c-section and with higher order multiples like triplets and above technically you could offer the same thing if first baby’s head down but I very very rarely see that and I think most doctors would be most comfortable performing a c-section. So that’s what you see most often? >Yes definitely I’ve never seen triplets delivered vaginally it can happen— It would be nice to think but the reality is and why is it probably safer to go for the c-section, Victoria? >Um overall as one baby comes out vaginally the uterus starts contracting and closing so you actually don’t have as much time as you think to get the other two babies out and is by far safer to do a c-section i’ts more control of the delivery. The baby can literally get pushed so hard to the point where the baby is stressed out and their heart doesn’t tolerate it and it becomes unsafe.

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