Expert Tips for Skin Care, Sunburn, and Bug Bites - Health Channel


Expert Tips for Skin Care, Sunburn, and Bug Bites |

Expert Tips for Skin Care, Sunburn, and Bug Bites, Health Channel

Expert Tips for Skin Care, Sunburn, and Bug Bites, Health Channel

As summer approaches, it’s time for pool parties, barbecues, and outdoor adventures. But while we soak up the sunshine, it’s crucial to prioritize safety for our skin and overall well-being. From sunburns to bug bites and everything in between, maintaining proper care can make or break your summer fun. In this guide, Dr. Scarlet Constant, Pediatrician, shares essential tips and insights from her episode of Ask the Doc.

Sun Protection: Preventing and Treating Sunburn

Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a summer essential. Sunburn isn’t just painful—it can have long-term effects, including an increased risk of skin cancer.

Choosing the Right Sunscreen

  • SPF Matters: Use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Higher SPFs, like 50 or 70, provide slightly more protection, but SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays.
  • Mineral vs. Chemical Sunscreen:
    • Mineral Sunscreens: Contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, creating a physical barrier on the skin. They are thicker but hypoallergenic, ideal for sensitive skin.
    • Chemical Sunscreens: Lightweight and easy to apply but may irritate sensitive skin.
  • Infant Sunblock: Use products specially formulated for babies under two, containing zinc oxide for safe protection.

Sunburn First Aid

  1. Cool the Skin: Move to a shaded area or indoors. Apply cool compresses or take a lukewarm bath.
  2. Rehydrate: Encourage water or electrolyte drinks like Pedialyte to combat dehydration.
  3. Moisturize: Apply aloe vera gel to soothe the skin, followed by a ceramide-rich moisturizer.
  4. Pain Relief: Use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen for severe discomfort.
  5. Avoid Butter: Do not apply butter to sunburns—it traps heat and worsens the pain.


Bug Bites and Stings: Prevention and Care

Summer is prime time for mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests. Preventing bites is key to avoiding irritation and potential infections.

Prevention Tips

  • Bug Sprays: Look for products containing DEET or picaridin, effective against mosquitoes and ticks. These are safe for children over six months when applied properly.
  • Protective Clothing: Wear long sleeves, pants, and socks, especially in tick-prone areas.
  • Camping Essentials: Reapply bug spray every few hours and after swimming.

Treating Bites and Stings

  • Mosquito Bites: Use cortisone cream to reduce itching and inflammation. For severe swelling, consider an oral antihistamine.
  • Bee Stings: Remove the stinger carefully, clean the area, and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
  • Tick Bites: Remove ticks promptly using tweezers. Monitor the area for signs of Lyme disease, such as a rash or flu-like symptoms.


Establishing a Skincare Routine for Kids

Building a skincare routine early helps maintain healthy skin throughout life.

Daily Routine

  1. Gentle Cleansing: Use a non-perfumed soap or cleanser suitable for sensitive skin.
  2. Moisturizing: Apply a ceramide-rich cream to lock in hydration after baths.
  3. Sun Protection: Use SPF 30 or higher daily, even on cloudy days.


Addressing Common Skin Conditions


  • Symptoms: Red, itchy patches often triggered by allergens or irritants.
  • Treatment: Use gentle cleansers, moisturizers with ceramides, and hydrocortisone cream during flare-ups.


  • Symptoms: Thick, scaly patches caused by an overactive immune system.
  • Treatment: Consult a dermatologist for long-term management.


Fun in the Sun: A Parent’s Guide to Skin Safety

For Babies

  • Use wide-brimmed hats and sun-protective clothing.
  • Apply infant-safe sunblock to exposed skin.

For Tweens

  • Encourage a skincare routine with a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen.
  • Avoid harsh exfoliants or anti-aging products unsuitable for young skin.


Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

This summer, arm yourself with these expert tips to prevent sunburn, bug bites, and skin irritations. Whether you’re lounging at the pool or exploring the great outdoors, a little preparation can ensure a fun and safe experience for the whole family.

For more advice, send your questions to, or visit the Ask the Doc page on

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