Meet the Experts - Health Channel

Meet the Experts

Meet the Experts

In partnership with Baptist Health South Florida, the Health Channel, features medical specialists who discuss important health issues and answer live audience questions. Meet some of our contributors:

Our experts in Mental Health

Amy Exum

Social media is powerful because its everywhere. Nicole Rodríguez, Psychotherapist at Baptist Health Care & Counseling, says social media is something that is really prevalent out there for teenagers. About this topic, parents should be on social media too and do their own research and know what their kids are posting. They have to check […]

Dr. Rob Fazio

Managing Partner at On Point Advising, Psychologist, and Author of Bullyproof  Dr. Rob Fazio is a Psychologist and Managing Partner at OnPoint Advising where he specializes in global leadership and organizational success. A thought leader in his field, Rob holds over 20 years of experience in consulting as well as advising executive teams, surgeons, and […]

Carlos Fernandez

Carlos Fernandez, Exercise Physiologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says at home you can do bodyweight, squats and push-ups. “You can do a lot of single leg stuff if you get to that level, a lot of core stuff at home. If you get a pull-up bar, very inexpensive, put that on the doorframe and […]

Shana Friedman

Bullying can trigger serious problems as depression and potential suicide. Shana Friedman, Psychotherapist at Baptist Health South Florida, says children don’t show depression the same way as adults do, but that is not true. Children with depression might show anxiety and irritability that can be confused with the typical feelings of teenage adjustment. Psychotherapist Aimee […]

Joanna Garcia

Inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity are signs of ADHD. To know if your child suffers from inattention you can see if he or she has hard time listening to others or attending to details and if they are easily distracted and forgetful. Joanna Garcia, Psychotherapist with Baptist Health Care and Counseling, says all of that happens […]

Henry Guzman

To take control of your health you have to acknowledge that something is wrong. Henry Guzman, Registered Nurse and Exercise Physiologist at Baptist Health South Florida, says it could be difficult, because acknowledgement is probably the biggest first step and then you have to figure out why it is that you want to get healthy. […]

Heather Hayes

Supervisor of Outpatient and Continuum Services with Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Aimee Hernandez

Psychotherapist with Care & Counseling at Baptist Health South Florida

Alexander Hughes

Occupational Therapist with Riviera Health Resort

Brenda Iliff

One of the problems of addiction in the elderly population is that it is underdiagnosed. Brenda Iliff, Executive Director with Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, talks about this disease and its medical concerns. Where to go after a treatment for addiction? Brenda Iliff, Executive Director with Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, talks about care groups, apps, online […]

DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions expressed in the programs on this channel and website are intended to address specific questions asked or situations described in each particular program, are for educational purposes only, and are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these programs without seeking the advice of your personal physician or a qualified medical provider. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed, please contact your doctor or other medical professional.