Factors of Obesity - Health Channel


Factors of Obesity |

Factors of Obesity, Health Channel

Family background is a factor of obesity. Dr. Manuel Torres, Family Medicine Physician at Baptist Health Primary Care, says there are micro environment and a macro environment influencing what we weigh and there are mono genetic causes for obesity, but those are not the majority of cases.

“In the majority of cases, the obesity is accumulated over time. It’s lifelong influences in your culture, in your food habits, in the way that you were taught to eat, in how our culture has developed socially and how we live our lives and have decreasing levels of mobility and energy expenditure as we’ve gotten older,” he explains.

Metabolism, age, sleep and medicines are also factors that can affect your weight.


Factors of Obesity, Health Channel

About some of the factors here and family background because from so many people I here “it’s in my genes” and I’ll go back again to the the the cartoon era of Eric Cartman — sure — himself Park who screams –sure– “I’m not fat on big boy” Right. — okay — So how much how much of this is reality? >So well definitely what we like to think about on obesity medicine is that there’s a micro environment in a macro environment that definitely influences what we weigh and there’s absolutely some what are called mono genetic causes for obesity and those are not the majority of cases. The majority of cases the obesity is accumulated over time. In the majority of cases it’s lifelong influences in your culture, in your food habits, in the way that you were taught to eat, in how our culture has developed socially and how we live our lives and have decreasing levels of mobility and energy expenditure as we’ve gotten older. There’s if and I would encourage you to look at these statistics cuz they’re pretty easy to find, if you look at a world map this isn’t unique to the United States although we may think that it is, there’s actually countries that are dealing with this epidemic just as much as we are. And there’s a lot of things that influence that so again there’s multiple parts of this disease there are multiple things that can be reviewed so that we can try to again implement your nutritional plan, your obesity plan, and then be able to help treat you better so there’s a lot of levels of treatment. >So out of these genes and family background: metabolism, age, medicines, that any other risk factors we’re missing in here or… which one should we pull out. We just talked about genes and family background. >So a very easy one to pull out of there is medicines, for example. That’s a really, really simple thing that I do in initial consultation when we sit down to talk about your weight what medications are you taking, what mendication have you taken. That maybe influencing what you weigh or it maybe even how about this: Inhibiting your ability to lose weight.

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