High Cholesterol and Obesity |
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Samantha Chen, Registered Nurse at West Kendall Baptist Hospital, says the majority of the people she sees have high cholesterol.
“All of the advantages in the preventive space and in the treatment space with angioplasty, thrombolytics, defibrillators and transplants have made a huge impact upon having people with heart disease living longer,” points out Ted Feldman, Medical Director of Prevention and Community Health.
Regarding obesity epidemic, he highlights all the good work that has been done could be lost if they don’t get control of this disease.
We know heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the U.S. so do you see the heart the rates of heart disease going down or is it still a major part in the community? ecause
you’re there, you’re seeing it. >Honestly from the people that come in I would say the majority of the people have high cholesterol so I mean almost everyone that comes in has a high total
cholesterol every one. >Doctor? >Well, I mean clearly when you look at the incidence of heart disease over the last 30 to 40 years we’re doing a lot better— It’s still the number one cause of death in the United States and unfortunately all of the advantages in the preventive space and in the treatment space with angioplasty and thrombolytics and defibrillators and transplants and the like which has made a huge impact upon having people with heart disease live longer this epidemic of obesity and diabetes where there’s been a tripling of the obesity rate since the early 80s was 11% in 1981 it’s close to 40% now and by 2030 50% of the states in the United States will have obesity rates of 50% of more all of the benefit over the last 40 years could potentially be lost if we don’t get control of the obesity epidemic. >And you’re seeing it too, Samantha as well, and it boils down to diet and nutrition do you find yourself talking to your patients where they have to make these lifestyle changes? >Of course, for some people it’s honestly it’s life or death. >Wow, life or death and that’s why the healthy hub is such a great place to go to to avoid those terrible situations.