Factors that Contribute to Obesity - Health Channel


Factors that Contribute to Obesity |

Factors that Contribute to Obesity, Health Channel

Not moving around, not eating healthily and, sometimes, hormones are some of the factors that can cause obesity, according to Dr. Jorge Rabaza, Chief of Surgery with South Miami Hospital. However, he adds the main problem is diet.

He also says there are a lot of diet products in the market. “They don’t work. When they came out is when the obesity epidemic in the United States started to rise, because they’re pushing foods that people are going to eat but they’re maintaining their weight. They’re actually not doing what they’re supposed to do,” the doctor says.


Factors that Contribute to Obesity, Health Channel

What else can contribute to obesity? What I see in my patients for example most people at their job are seeing a computer desk and they’re not moving around and they do that for eight hours a day the other thing that I remember when I was a kid during the summers I was out playing all day long from the sunrise to sunset kids now are inside playing video games watching TV that’s the other problem and there’s less kids participating in sports. So what do you do? Well we got to educate everybody who got educated about the diet for a long time the the diets that were pushed on unfitted efficient pushed on on on patients we’re really the wrong thing and now let’s changing now other researchers changing it’s actually opposite to what was taught in medical school in medical school we didn’t get a lot of how to treat obese patients what they would tell us hey those people are lazy they just don’t want to exercise and they don’t want to die it’s their problem but that’s changing now. How do hormones play into it? Hormones are also important with it there are some diseases not a lot of them but there are some diseases that are associated with obesity but the main problem that we’re having now is diet. People just eating the wrong thing. Eating the wrong things there’s a lot of emphasis on carbohydrates one of the things that we’re seeing now when you walk into a food store there’s all sorts of daya foods there’s diet this low fat that little card that they don’t work they’ve been around for 40 years they just don’t work actually when they came out is when the obesity epidemic in the United States started rise because they’re pushing foods that people are going to eat but they’re maintaining their weight they’re actually not doing what they’re supposed to do.

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