Fertility Treatment Options - Health Channel


Fertility Treatment Options |

Fertility Treatment Options, Health Channel

There are several types of medications to treat infertility in women. Dr. Robert Feldman, Chief and Medical Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology with Baptist Health South Florida, talks about some of them, such as letrozole and clomiphene citrate.


Fertility Treatment Options, Health Channel

The 100 medications might be prescribed to a woman who is experiencing infertility so we have several different levels so I think the easiest and first level is a medication called clomid or clomiphene citrate or sarahfey and then there’s also a similar medication called letrozole and both of these are medications which will induce ovulation we often hear click clomid and this is given when you’re doing I believe the the in vitro fertilization every month for a woman so it’s actually not in vitro so this is just for a woman who is not ovulating so the polycystic ovary patient would be the first one that I would give this to a woman who ovulates infrequently and what that does is it increases ovulation right and stimulates ovulation so how long do you have to be taking clomid let’s say to see results clomid is given for five days so we would induce a menstrual cycle start a menstrual cycle and then on day three or five you start the clomid you would take it for five days typically you’ll ovulate roughly seven to ten days after your last pill okay and then you’ll get a cycle or you’ll get pregnant and the side effects are their side effects Tacoma home it very few side effects about ten percent of women who take clomid will get twins okay so whereas the natural rate of twins is about one percent if you take clomid it’s ten percent now so it obviously increases the chances of multiple birth and these multiple births ends up being healthy multiple births or do the risk of again if we’ve been talked about infertility about miscarriage or anything like that no there’s no increased risk of miscarriage with with clomiphene okay now some women may be offered injected hormones so how does the injection differ from let’s say taking a pill so the pill the pill as we say is the first step so if we give you the pill and we can increase the dosage so we can increase the dosage three or four times when people take Clos Minh usually recommend that you try for no more than six months if you don’t conceive within six months of taking the clomid or the letrozole then we would suggest that you go to injectable hormones okay and the injectable hormones are a much stronger dose of hormones than the oral medication are these also taking in a five day span or the no these are taken you would go see a fertility specialist they weren’t given anywhere from 7 to 14 days okay depending on what what protocol you use in you.

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