Healthy Snack Options - Health Channel


Healthy Snack Options |

Healthy Snack Options, Health Channel

The most important thing in snacks is balance, affirms Cathy Clark-Reyes, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health Primary Care. She advises selecting something that’s going to keep someone satisfied.
She advises choosing something that’s got a little bit of fiber and healthy fat, because this helps keep patient full longer.
The specialist says it’s good to use cucumbers, radishes, cherry tomatoes, sugar free nut bars and sugar free chocolate.


Healthy Snack Options, Health Channel

Let’s talk about some great options that are healthy you said something we can keep in our purse and maybe not pull that not get that candy bar or not that mojo donut that’s waiting for us so what are some healthy snacks that we should be eating well what I like to find with snacks is something that’s gonna be balanced something that’s gonna keep me satisfied not something that I’m gonna be hungry in an hour there’s lots of those little hundred calorie packs and this and that and people think that they’re healthier but they’re really just a smaller portion and you think about you’re gonna eat like three of those this doesn’t fill you exactly and the last thing you want is to get a snack that’s gonna leave you hungry in 45 minutes or an hour and then what are you gonna grab another you know so having something that’s gonna be filling is gonna be good what foods fill us if we can have something that’s got a little bit of fiber even a little bit of the healthy fats that’s gonna stay in that gut a little bit longer absolutely so it’s not gonna empty out so quickly so here we’ve got things such as we’ve got the veggies we’ve got we’re pairing that with some olives which is a healthy fat when they sell these you know in a container yes this comes in a container my six year old loves season actually pack them for school two black olives little snacks and they make great snacks yeah the same thing goes with the guac as well as with the hummus and you can use it as a dip for for your veggies not with the pita chips that are we know they’re highly addictive celery not just that I mean you can use cucumbers you can use the radishes you can use the little cherry tomatoes absolutely roasted and not roasted the red peppers the yellow peppers right that first go great with the hummus yes that’s a combination I like that yeah and so having a snack like that something like you know this this is the the nut bars they’re not loaded with sugar they’ve got the nuts which make you feel fuller nothing a little bit longer and especially sometimes I three o’clock that we like that little sweet treat it’s got the little drizzle of over the chocolate you

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