Low Back Pain Risk Factors - Health Channel


Low Back Pain Risk Factors |

Low Back Pain Risk Factors, Health Channel

There are some things that increase back pain risks: getting older, poor physical fitness, being overweight, heredity, job and smoking.

Dr. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, explains each one of those conditions and advises stop smoking and get a healthy lifestyle.


Low Back Pain Risk Factors, Health Channel

As we said about 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some point of their life but there are things that can increase your risk let’s take a look at what they are right now okay we’re getting older that’s unavoidable so what do we do about that right now for for that poor physical thickness that that definitely will will affect that will leap into number three there in the in the list being overweight if you don’t know an exercise or you’re not exercising enough that can obviously put some weight on and that will start increasing the torque or pressure on the spine yes there is a genetic condition so if mom dad and uncle they had suffer from back problems there might be a chance that you might suffer from back problems not necessarily is the case but it can increase their risk or diseases normally for instances rheumatological conditions such as lupus or rheumatoid condition themself rheumatoid arthritis they can increase pain I mean inflammation in some of the joints and that can lead in to having back problems as well job depending on the job that you do is more of a physical job or more of a sedentary job lifting awkwardly in the job that can also increase the string in the lower back segments and definitely smoking if you smoke that will constrict the arterioles those are the small blood vessels that they supplied the different structures they don’t get enough oxygen and they can have you develop back problems you

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