Lumpectomy Surgery Procedure - Health Channel


Lumpectomy Surgery Procedure |

Lumpectomy means that a focal area of cancer is going to be removed. A lot of patients with a lumpectomy don’t need any specific breast reconstruction, explains Dr. Miguel Angel Medina, Director of Microsurgery with Miami Cancer Institute.
Al the end of surgical treatment, all those patients go on to need radiation therapy. For patients who have large breasts, physicians have to take a larger lumpectomy than normal.


And using that 3d image that you have behind there and now talking about a lumpectomy how would that work doctor a lumpectomy really means that a focal area of cancer is going to be removed and there are a lot of options that involve us as plastic surgeons in breast reconstruction with lumpectomy and there are a lot of patients that with a lumpectomy don’t need any specific breast reconstruction the on collage exertion is able to remove the area in question take a look at the lymph nodes and that’ll be the end of the surgical treatment all those patients go on to need radiation therapy for patients that have large breasts are very droopy breasts where we get involved is if they take a little piece of tissue or if they have to take a larger lumpectomy than is then they’re then normal we can reshape the breast to a breast lift operation with an incision around the nipple that goes down the front and able to lift that breast and bring tissue that’s not affected by cancer into the defect where they remove the cancer and so at the end of this all looks like you had a breast lift you have you all your own breast tissue you didn’t need a a formal breast reconstruction and then you go on to get radiation on the side that had the lumpectomy you

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