Maximizing Nutrition with Smoothies During Cancer Treatment - Health Channel


Maximizing Nutrition with Smoothies During Cancer Treatment |

Maximizing Nutrition with Smoothies During Cancer Treatment, Health Channel

Maximizing Nutrition with Smoothies During Cancer Treatment

Carla Araya, Registered Dietitian with Miami Cancer Institute, says if you are going through cancer treatment and you are not eating much, and you want to boost up calories, you will want to do more proteins, and more fruits in the smoothies because the idea is to maximize nutrition. Smoothies are suitable for people undergoing cancer treatment because you want to maintain your weight when nauseous. In some cases, when you’re in this stage, sometimes drinking is easier than eating. 

She also highlights once you are cancer free, it is important to maintain a healthy weight by making sure that what dominates the smoothie is vegetables, adding some healthy protein, and watching the calories.  She answers whether picking at food throughout the day is okay. The answer is yes, as long as you get the diet you need. 

To learn more about what RD Carla Araya says about smoothies when you have cancer visit:

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