Non-Invasive Skin Rejuvenation Procedures - Health Channel


Non-Invasive Skin Rejuvenation Procedures |

Dr. Rafael Gottenger, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains there is a device called the Profound RF, which is micro needling with radio frequency. “The machine shoots five pairs of needles that go inside the skin to stimulate elastin, collagen and volumizing the tissue.

He also says this machine can be also used for cellulitis. Other procedures are lasers and fillers to rejuvenate the skin without being invasive.


Now we also have non-invasive procedures for skin rejuvenation. I think. so like that. > We are talking about feelers, we have a huge range. Now we talk about skin rejuvenation, we have lasers, we have devices. I have a device in my office called the Profound F which is really a very interesting device. It’s basically micro needling with radiofrequency. So basically the Machine shoots five pairs of needles that go inside the skin once inside you have measuring temperature at tenth of a second, all the time and you deliver crazy frequency at 67 degrees Celsius. Okay so what’s the cause. that’s causing control damage to stimulate elastin collagen and volumizing the tissue. So… and this has two different type of cartilage Wanda is for subdermal which is the skin — right — so the needle goes in an angle and stimulate on there, then you have the soup q which they go perpendicular and you can target some of the fat inside. This machine can be also used for cellulitis — okay — okay or small areas of fat. So you do a face detection has some fat here you can combine the… the demo for the skin they took you for the fat here, and you see the results when you see the before and afters and the patient has like a small facelift with having to have a facelift, or the skin condition changes. Now once again it’s about 25% they were sort of I can give you a face if it’s not the full facelift. > Right. it’s important to know that. You’re not gonna go in getting a full facelift but it’s 25% improvement. > And you see the difference it’s impressive what you see which will have laxity here that your lines hanging you see how they retract how the skin change characteristic, you see they are patient that we have seen that are not candidate for this but then when they want a facelift and they’re very very you know this means very wrinkled — mm-hm — and you see the change. Maybe not perfect but you see the difference from very wrinkled too much less wrinkled.

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