Reconstructive Breast Surgery - Health Channel


Reconstructive Breast Surgery |

Reconstructive Breast Surgery, Health Channel

Dr. L. Raúl Arroyo, Breast Surgeon with Bethesda Hospital, Baptist Health, says having the breast reconstruction done immediately at the time of the mastectomy has some benefits. For example, going in for a mastectomy, but waking up and still having fullness in the breast is very important for patients psychologically.

He points out there are patients who can have their mastectomy and also have the one-stage reconstruction, where the plastic surgeon will perform the reconstruction with no further surgery necessary as far as reconstructing the breast.


Reconstructive Breast Surgery, Health Channel

Should folks consider reconstructive surgery right afterwards what are the benefits risks sure so there are some lot of benefits to having this the reconstruction done immediately meaning at the time of the mastectomy there are some times where you can’t do that but if a patient meets the requirements the benefits are as I was mentioning that in going in for a mastectomy but then waking up and still having fullness in the breast is very important for patients psychologically also it it saves them as far as anesthesia time another procedure there more and more patients women can have their mastectomy and have what’s called a one stage reconstruction where I will say perform the the mastectomy and then the plastic surgeon will perform the reconstruction and with with no further surgery necessary as far as reconstructing the breast so the patient will wake up and the breast will still be present as far as the fullness is concerned but the the cancer will be gone gotcha so ID ideally you’d like to have it right after the surgery and I know I understand there’s different types of reconstructive surgery so how do you determine that well the patient have a say right afterwards I mean you don’t want to put them under twice right you want to go right into it right right so all these discussions are taken take place before any surgery is done they’ll meet as part of the multidisciplinary approach they’ll meet with me but they’ll also meet with the plastic surgeon even you know not necessarily that they’ve chosen a mastectomy but in case they want to choose that they can meet with the plastic surgeon and they know what what isn’t involved in that kind of surgery so the patient does have a choice as as long as it fits within what the plastic surgeon needs to be able to do so the plastic surgeon will discuss with them these are the types of reconstruction we can do and they’re typically implant based or they can be what we call native tissue which is the patient’s own body tissue used to reconstruct the breast you


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