Obtaining Protein in a Plant Based Diet - Health Channel


Obtaining Protein in a Plant Based Diet |

Lucette Talamas, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, says you can get enough protein on a plant-based diet without eating your animal proteins.

She recommends focusing on what you are eating and you can get protein from peanut butter, almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, for example.

You can add them to a salad and you also can consume some rolled oats and quinoa.


Alright Lucette so we’re gonna tackle on exactly what you brought here fabulous display so why don’t we start to the left. So what we’re here to talk about is how to get protein on a plant-based diet there’s so many times people wonder but if I eliminate my animal my chicken the red meat how can I get protein so you actually can get enough protein on a plant-based diet without eating your animal proteins how so you definitely want to focus on what you’re eating so that’s you know we’ve been talking about like when you eliminate some animal or some food groups what you know how are you getting those nutrients so the first one we start with is protein so your plant-based sources of protein and also some animal products so like we mentioned dairy and eggs can still be included in a vegetarian eating pattern now if you eliminate dairy and eggs then you have a vegan eating pattern so where do we get our plant-based proteins you get it from your what we have here in front of us. So let’s start right here for example we have here peanut butter I’m going to assume Yes so any type of nut butter this is peanut butter so you want to stick to the recommended serving size which is one to two tablespoons will give you anywhere from like five grams of protein then we have other variety of nuts so you can choose you know peanuts almonds walnuts we there’s so many so typical serving can be 1/4 of a cup and again we’ll give you about your 5 grams and then we have chia seeds but any type of seed that you add to like a salad for example also boosts your protein as well as many other nutrients so we see fiber we see healthy fats. So over there I think that’s oats So we move on we have some rolled oats and then we also have quinoa so part of your plate whether you’re vegetarian or not is choosing grains which goes back to this right here the oats would fall into the grains Yes so this is your whole grains is what we want to focus on and that’s that half cup to one cup of whole grains and oats are a great option because they are a whole grain quinoa is another popular one that’s not just whole grain it’s also high protein so yeah about double the protein compared to other grains and if you’re wondering how much that is you can get anywhere from three to five grams per 1/2 cup serving of a cooked whole grain which is awesome.

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