Osteoarthritis: Symptoms - Health Channel


Osteoarthritis: Symptoms |

Osteoarthritis: Symptoms, Health Channel

Pain in joints that doesn’t go away, warmth and redness in joints, swollen joints, stiff joints, trouble moving joints, and grinding feeling of joint are some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Dr. Carlos Alvarado, Orthopedic Surgeon with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, explains these symptoms will be present in advanced arthritis. He points out the pain from arthritis in the hip joint is almost always groin pain.


Osteoarthritis: Symptoms, Health Channel

We want to show you some symptoms that you may notice you may start being developing this kind of osteoarthritis so doctor pain and joints that doesn’t go away so it may not be like a plane of let me put a little of ice it’s god this is like acute, warmth, and redness in joints, swollen joints, stiff joints, trouble moving joints and grinding feeling of your joint, is it one or is it all of these? > You know it’s it’s it can be all of them, painful and and many times what we’ll see is this cycle. Okay. you know every day you’re not gonna have a painful swollen joint in a standard case of arthritis. Which you’ll see is good days and bad days and you’ll see swelling maybe after a stressful strenuous day, you’ll see some warmth over the joint, the grinding that patients feel on the joint. We call it crepitus. The crepitus is a result of like that picture we were looking at when that smooth surface turns into an irregular almost potholed surface you will actually feel that and sometimes hear that, as a patient moves their joint. But you will see all of these things in advanced arthritis sometimes you’ll see them every single day in the patient but most often what you’ll see is good days and bad days and when I’m talking to a patient about their arthritic hip or knee I’ll say you know what’s it like you have a bad day a month, one bad day a week one bad day a year and then it becomes a question of you know how is this affecting your life. > And in the hip it’s usually a pain in the groin is that how that is wrecked because well so most people that come in with a good looking hip and say talk to my hip hurts and then they point to the outside of their hip. So, so the pain from arthritis in the hip joint is almost always groin pain not there’s always some outliers that have atypical presentations but usually it is groin pain at least part of their symptoms.

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