The Pain Caused by Sciatica - Health Channel


The Pain Caused by Sciatica |

The Pain Caused by Sciatica, Health Channel

Amir Mahajer, Interventional Spine Specialist at Baptist Health Neuroscience Center, says lower back pain with or without leg pain is extremely common and sometimes these exacerbations become more often and more frequent.
“The number one thing I always tell patients not to do when they’re having acute pain is doing forward flexion or bending at the spine,” he recommends because it can cause increased inter disc pressure and that can push the disc fragment back.


The Pain Caused by Sciatica, Health Channel

Describe this pain to me if you can because I know it’s extremely painful who is at risk for this does it come and go or is it just permanent? Lower back pain with or without leg pain or sciatica is extremely common most Americans will experience this unfortunately when you start having a back problem then you are more likely to have it experience again and now we’re sort of thinking learning about it if we’re not able to manage it early on then sometimes these exacerbations become more often and can become more frequent so we really have to get after the problem in the beginning it has a multi-modal kind of distribution meaning you can have it at different times in your life so earlier in life or your mid life it’s usually a disc herniation that’s causing this compression or from sports or trauma later in life it’s usually from arthritis the arthritis is an overgrowth of bone that starts to narrow those nerve holes so when you narrow the nerve holes that now you have a smaller area that the nerve can traverse and different positions or poor positioning or some of those occupational hazards that you’ve we discussed earlier can pinch that nerve and cause radiation of pain. Is there something that can aggravate it more where they they can this and oh great advice they’re not to do. The number one thing I always tell patients not to do when they’re having acute pain or even when they’re getting better is that we know that forward flexion or bending at the spine can cause increased inter disco pressure and that can push the disc fragment back if we’re talking about disc herniation so if you’re sitting bending at the spine with poor posture and lifting something that’s probably the worst standing bending at the spine and lifting something that’s also the extremely bad I would really recommend people don’t do that you can bend at the hip it’s called hip hinging and really strengthening the core and pelvic girdle which is the key to different exercises and depending on what you’re trying to do because if you do that then and what you’re just exacerbating the situation and possibly you’re gonna you’re gonna hurt your suit you may increase the hurt but you’re probably not going to increase your harm you’re not gonna damage what’s already done but you may increase the pain and increase the inflammation which is what we’re trying to target and remove.

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