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Is listeria a real concern?

Is listeria a real concern?

Is listeria a real concern?
Listeria monocytogenes, or Listeria for short, is a bacterium that causes an infection called listeriosis. Recently, Sabra Dipping Co. voluntarily recalled 30,000 cases of its Classic Hummus because of possible Listeria contamination.  Just prior to that, several people became infected …

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Can someone really die of loneliness?

Can someone really die of loneliness?

Can someone really die of loneliness?
Cigarette smoking, obesity, and alcoholism are all well-known causes of premature death.  Recently, two closely related risk factors—social isolation and loneliness—have also been identified as being important in causing early mortality.  Social isolation can be characterized by living alone, having …

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What is Osteoarthritis?

What is Osteoarthritis?

What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis affecting up to 27 million Americans.  In OA, cartilage that lines the joints breaks down.  With loss of this natural cushion, the bones begin to rub together, damaging the joint. Symptoms …

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Is a gluten-free diet better?

Is a gluten-free diet better?

Is a gluten-free diet better?
The term “gluten-free” is increasingly being seen attached to foods in restaurants and grocery stores throughout the U.S.  Even food items such as bottled spring water, fruits and vegetables, and eggs are being labeled “gluten-free” without ever containing gluten to …

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DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions expressed in the programs on this channel and website are intended to address specific questions asked or situations described in each particular program, are for educational purposes only, and are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these programs without seeking the advice of your personal physician or a qualified medical provider. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed, please contact your doctor or other medical professional.