Pregnancy: Cesarean Procedure - Health Channel


Pregnancy: Cesarean Procedure |

Pregnancy: Cesarean Procedure, Health Channel

Dr. Jason James, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says cesarean section is a surgical procedure where the doctor makes an incision usually in the lower abdomen and once they go through the different layers, they get to the uterus and make an incision in the uterus. Once the incision is made, assuming the baby is headfirst, you are delivering the baby’s head.

“Once the baby is out, you have to do everything in reverse, so you are going to repair the uterine incision followed by the different layers and repair the abdominal incision where we use sutures most often”.


Pregnancy: Cesarean Procedure, Health Channel

We actually do have a 3d image of a cesarian procedure and we’d love for you to explain to us looking at this image how is a cesarean induction cesarean surgery done sure so what you can see here in this image is this is an image of the mother and a cesarean section is a surgical procedure so first you’re making an incision in the abdomen usually in the lower abdomen what we call a fan of Steel or a bikini cut and then once you go through the different layers you’re getting to the actual uterus you’re gonna make an incision in the uterus and here you see once that incision is made assuming the baby is headfirst you’re delivering the baby’s head next slide and then once the baby is out you have the umbilical cord which are usually clamp and cut and then finally you’re going to remove the placenta once the baby is out now you have to do everything in Reverse so you’re going to repair the uterine incision followed by the different layers and then finally you’re going to make repair the abdominal incision where we use sutures most often now dr. James longer than long gone are the days where a cesarean surgery incision would go from one end of the belly to the other that’s not done that way anymore correctly I mean you’re not gonna have something that big right well in general we try and keep a cosmetic incision make it as small as possible granted it needs to be big enough to get the baby delivered but in general we try and keep it cosmetic low and small only in real true emergencies or in certain rare circumstances you need to do a larger incision or a vertical incision which obviously is not as cosmetically you.

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