Pregnancy: Trimesters - Health Channel


Pregnancy: Trimesters |

Pregnancy: Trimesters, Health Channel

Pregnancy divides into three trimesters, but what is the difference between them? Dr. Eduardo Valdes, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains what happens in each one of them and how the baby is developed.


Pregnancy: Trimesters, Health Channel

We often hear about the different trimesters of pregnancy so why is it that pregnancy is divided into these 40 weeks into these three stages so pregnancies usually ask 280 days and then broken down it’s easier to break them down into these three three stages 0 to 1213 weeks and then 13 – 28 29 weeks and then after that 29 to 40 42 weeks which is the normal pregnancy the number duration of a pregnancy and so each stage has its own you know findings and developments I would that’ll go on throughout the throughout you know for the fetus as the fetus develops in the in the woman now let me ask you for labor and delivery is that considered like another another trimester or is that just labor and delivery so it’s just labor and delivery the pregnancies usually hopefully we’ll get to 40 weeks which is a full-term pregnancy and then after that we got into the the delivering part of the of the of the process okay so yes let’s start talking about the trimester that semester with the first trimester which consists of the first 12 weeks so at what point points your mother’s usually find out that they’re pregnant so that all depends on them on the patient right so the moms usually if they have a regular period usually they’ll show up you know after they miss their first period they’ll say well well I didn’t get my period this month and so then they’ll you know usually wait a week or two in the no try so usually they come to the office somewhere between four depending on if they were expecting or trying to get pregnant between four weeks and eight weeks so usually that’s when they will show up when they got that first positive pregnancy test you.

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