Raising Compassionate Kids | Building Bridges |
Raising compassionate children isn’t an easy thing to do psychologists say, especially in today’s “me first” society. But the coronavirus pandemic has created an opportunity for parents and caregivers to teach the importance of compassion to their children.
Raising compassionate children isn’t an easy thing to do psychologists say especially in today’s me first society but the coronavirus pandemic has created an opportunity for parents and caregivers to teach the importance of compassion to their children and other life skills if there’s any time that we can use our life experience as an example it would be now teach them now what it means to be socially responsible what it means to care about the person next door that you might not know or the person down the street that has nothing to do with your life but you care about because they’re part of your community i think this is a time for them to learn a life lesson and to you know teach patience and adaptability modeling compassionate behavior is one of the best ways to teach children this valuable skill also parents can help their children understand their own feelings which can be an important first step in understanding the feelings of others