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Frankie Powell

Doctor Pregnancy Women´s Health

Carey Acosta, Lactation Consultant with Homestead Hospital, explains 80% of moms can experience baby blues, having mild fatigue, and feeling tired. She also says the main difference between baby blues and postpartum depression is that baby blues will go away without seeking treatment for it. Frankie Powell, Patient Care Supervisor of Labor & Delivery at […]

Ann DeVelasco

Doctor Cardiovascular Health

Registered Nurse with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute

Cynthia Laportilla

Doctor Bones & Joints Physical Medicine

Cynthia Laportilla, Physical Therapist with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, says the average of physical therapy after a total knee and total hip replacement is about three months, and usually about more or less twenty-four sessions. “Usually your therapist will have conversations with you; they might tell you you’re right on target, or this […]

Dr. Georgiy Brusovanik

Doctor Bones & Joints

Spine Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida

Carlos Fernandez

Doctor Exercise Mental Health

Carlos Fernandez, Exercise Physiologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says at home you can do bodyweight, squats and push-ups. “You can do a lot of single leg stuff if you get to that level, a lot of core stuff at home. If you get a pull-up bar, very inexpensive, put that on the doorframe and […]

Lisa Klein-Davis

Doctor Cardiovascular Health

Physician Assistant with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute

Phillip DePaola

Doctor Bones & Joints

Phillip DePaola, Physician Assistant with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, explains the ACL is in the middle of the knee, between what is called the two condyles. In the procedure they make tunnels that are going through the tibia and they also make a femoral tunnel. “We prepare the need to receive the graft […]

Dr. Scarlet Constant

Doctor Pediatrics

Pediatrician with Baptist Health South Florida

Paula Plympton

Doctor Pediatrics

Neonatal Nurse Practitioner with Baptist Health South Florida

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