Symptoms of Lumbar Stenosis - Health Channel


Symptoms of Lumbar Stenosis |

Symptoms of Lumbar Stenosis, Health Channel

Back pain, sciatica (burning pain going into buttocks and down into legs), numbness, tingling, cramping, or weakness in legs, loss of sensation in feet, and foot drop are some symptoms of lumbar stenosis.

Dr. Georgiy Brusovanik, Spine Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, says numbness, tingling, cramping, and weakness are neurological symptoms. It means nerves come from the brain, they go through the spine out into the legs and if those nerves are compressed, the pain is going to happen.


Symptoms of Lumbar Stenosis, Health Channel

We have some symptoms to show our viewers so in case you’re having some of these pains look out for some of these and doctor let’s go through them back pain obviously you’re from sciatica that’s a huge one so that’s where lumbar spine stenosis is felt most when patients start to develop a woody numbing cramping sensation going down their legs and thighs sometimes all the way down to the toes numbness tingling cramping and weakness all neurological symptoms so nerves come from the brain they go through the spine out into the legs and if those nerves are compressed which is what happens with lumbar spine stenosis patients will have those symptoms in their extremities I noticed one on the bottom that said foot drop what exactly is that doctor is that a common symptom there it is right there not a common symptom but a scary one so with terminal nerve compression meaning that when there’s just no room for that nerve to breathe whatsoever the extremities may just stop working so that’s a sign of a really sick nerve when the foot is just weak and the patient in foot drop is unable to lift the foot and that’s very painful and obviously sometimes by that point a pain will go away and all that’s left is permanent disability you really don’t want to wait til that point okay what about bladder issues I sometimes hear that people with that lower back pain are starting to experience bladder issues how did they correlate together so that’s a real scary one so the same pathophysiology nerves come from the brain they go through the spine out into the legs but some nerves go to the region of the bladder and control our bladder function so we severe nerve compression as occurs with lumber spine stenosis rarely patients will report that they’re unable to feel their groin and they become incontinent now that’s a really scary one and that those symptoms demand the urgent intervention you

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